Friday Random Crap

Hey there, ‘Redheads… Today should be Tax Day. It normally is, but we’ve been given the weekend to rifle through our receipts and figure out how to claim our pets as dependents. Today is also the anniversary of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, which would make it an assassinaversary. He’s been turned into one of our more badass presidents through a hodgepodge of legend and alternate histories. Either he’s a vampire slayer or he’s bare chested and punching a grizzly bear in the face. Regardless of how he’s remembered, his message to the people has always rung true…

Party on, Abe. We hardly knew ye.

I’m usually not one to plan ahead, but I’ve figured out what I want to be for Halloween… And Arbor Day… And next Thursday…

Remember, if you’re stuck on what to do tonight, and you’re in or around downtown Bethesda…I’ll be your host, along with Brian Parise, Martin Plant, and Jeff Maurer. It’s FREE, because you’re worth it.

See you there. And see you Monday.

Eye Candy

Hey there ‘Redheads… Peel your peepers and prepare to behold three massive doses of concentrated awesome. I recommend you take breaks in between each video. Your mind might begin to reject reality if you try to take them all in continuously. The rest of your day will look a lot less interesting by comparison. Enjoy…

Now go get some insulin.

To be continued…