Leggo My Ego, Part Deux

Hey there, ‘Redheads… Sorry for the minor hiccup in postings. As I mentioned last time, my schedule was going to be hectic and the streak might suffer. Technically, it got snapped when I went to Mardi Gras, so I’m not too worried about it. Anyway, I’m back and I’ve got a heaping helping of me to go around.

Roughly two weeks ago, I did a professional photo shoot from a Groupon that was about to expire. Almost makes it sound like I got glamour shots done at a local mall, but this was a real deal on-location photo shoot in Glen Echo park, with the hopes that it might produce some dynamic promotional photos to replace my almost nine year old black and white headshots. Well, I got the pictures over the weekend and I’d like to run my top five of the batch past you to maybe get some feedback. Besides, I do enjoy looking at pictures of myself. As Al Pacino said in Devil’s Advocate, “Vanity is definitely my favorite sin.” So, put on your water wings and let’s take a dip in Lake Me. In no particular order, here are a couple of my favorites of the bunch…
This is my answer to Zoolander’s Blue Steel. Note the combination of the smirk, slight squint, and smolder.

I brought a prop with me on the shoot. An empty bottle of a wine called “Irony.” No, it’s not a chardonnay and no, there wasn’t a fly in it.

That’s right, folks. I’m a rebel, but I’m also lazy. I’m breaking rules, but I’m not climbing stairs.

I’m a big fan of this shot, because of the lines created in the blurry background. Really makes my nose pop right out at you. Also, as my friend Mia put it, it makes me look, “wry, but also approachable.”

You can find the rest of the pics on my Facebook fan page, conveniently located on your right. Please feel free to give some feedback. In case you haven’t guessed, I enjoy a compliment.

See you Tuesday.