Cinco de Blog-o

Hey there ‘Redheads… Happy Cinco de Mayo. And happy Day 5 of Blog-A-Day in May. As happy as it can be in this weather. It’s another wet bag of shit day in the Washington, DC area. Hardly the sun and fun that you need when you’re wearing a sombrero and washing down your tacos with a Corona. Forget the lick and the slam…today just sucks. But I’m sure that won’t stop people from binge drinking in the name of Mexican independence…or whatever the hell today is supposed to commemorate. I’m worried that this is the day that the swine flu pandemic explodes…because everybody is Mexican today.

With the squeeze of lime revelry that today brings, it is tinged with some salty sadness. Last night, we lost Dom Deluise. I was never a big fan of the Cannonball Run movies. For my money, Dom’s best stuff was in Mel Brooks’ stuff…

There’s your trifecta, by the way. Dom Deluise, Danny Gans, and Bea Arthur.

Enjoy your tequila hangovers tomorrow…see you then.