Blogustus Gloop

Hey there ‘Redheads… Welcome to Blogust. Where I once again sacrifice quality for quantity so that you can have more digital fat to chew on. Just a couple nuggets for you.

First, an update from the last installment. I’ll be a part of the Top Shelf festivities on Thursday, the 7th. The comedy marathon starts at 7:00. I’ll be going on somewhere between 9 and 10:30. It’s only $5 for a a massive evening of comedy. You’ll see some of the finest comics in DC and beyond…and I’ll be loitering around those comics. If you can’t make it on Thursday, then come on down for equally impressive line-ups in both talent and scope on Friday and Saturday. It all goes down at Solly’s U St. Tavern, courtesy of the folks at DCComedy4Now. Think of it as the $5 foot-long of comedy…chow down.

When a bird dies, and he goes to birdie heaven, and becomes a birdie angel, does it get arms? This is the kind of crap you get when I’m desperate to fill space.

Bennigan’s is closing. The yard sales in front of those places are going to kick some serious ass. Looking for a trombone, a sled, or an old-timey barber’s pole? When they strip the walls at Bennigan’s, they’ll probably find the Ark of the Covenant. I give you now, the description of one of the deadliest burgers I ever ate at a Bennigan’s…The Wheelhouse…

A juicy, mouth-watering burger topped with a savory fried cheese wheel, fresh parmesan cheese, and zesty marinara sauce.

If you finish it before your heart stops, it’s FREE. Bennigan’s, we hardly knew ye…

To be continued…