
Hey there ‘Redheads… It’s Day 12 of Blog-A-Day in May…tired of me yet? Here’s hoping the answer is a big fat no. Today, I have some sad news to pass along. We’re short one munchkin. Mickey Carroll, the munchkin town crier who actually says the line, “Follow the yellow brick road,” is now in the Emerald City in the sky.
May a flight of winged monkeys sing thee to thy rest. This story got me to wondering…how many munchkins are there left? The annual meeting of the Lollipop Guild probably takes up half a booth at Chuck E. Cheese now. There was another story in the news today about how Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet are paying the nursing home bills of the last remaining Titanic survivor. We’re down to two Golden Girls now too. What generational icons will we have when we get to that age? I mean, I’ve already started the clock waiting for the cast of The Hills to die.

Remember: DC Improv this week, Thursday – Sunday, with headliner Jeff Ross. Go to DCImprov.com for tix and info. Come laugh at me.

See ya tomorrow…